What does Computing look like in the classroom?
At Ledbury Primary School children are fortunate to experience using a range of up to date technology. This maybe using Laptops, iPads, programmable machines such as Beebots as well as using interactive whiteboards alongside their teachers during lessons.
When teaching Computing lessons, we break our curriculum into 3 sections:
1. Digital Literacy (Online Safety)
These lessons are designed to teach children to use technology safely and responsibly.
2. Information Technologies (IT)
These lessons are designed to equip children with skills in typing, recording and presenting information in a variety of different ways (Microsoft Office, Email and App based).
3. Computer Science (Programming)
These lesson are designed to teach children how programs are designed and how they work 'behind the scenes'. (Scratch Jr (KS2) and Beebots/A.L.E.X (KS1).
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