
Ledbury Primary School

Determined to Succeed

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Meet the Governors

How are the Governors involved at Ledbury Primary School?

Our aim is to play an important strategic role in school life.  We help to establish a vision for the future of the school within the community through setting and reviewing strategies and procedures to ensure the best possible education for all children.  We regularly monitor and evaluate all aspects of school life.  We also have responsibility for the financial control of the school and the safety of the pupils and staff and all Governors have a term of office of four years.

The Governing Body of Ledbury Primary School


The Governing Body consists of

1 Local Authority  Governor

3 Parent Governors

1 Staff Governors

1 Headteacher

6 Co-opted Governors


Total : 12 Governors


The term of office for all categories of Governors is 4 years

Governors Register of Interest

Meet the LPS Governors


Mrs Diane Paxton- Chair of Governors

I was born, brought up and educated in Scotland where I trained as a Home Economist and eventually started teaching.  I then moved to Ledbury where my two children were born. When my daughter and son were attending Ledbury Primary School I became a parent governor as I felt that I wanted to learn more about the educational system and could offer some of my previous experience.   After they left the school I started working as an LSP and worked in all stages of school until I retired.  I am now a Co-opted Governor and still feel that I am able to contribute to the valuable work of the governing body.





Mrs Rachel Ussher- Head Teacher

I joined Ledbury Primary School as a teacher in 1999 and have taught in Nursery, Reception,Y1, Y2 and most recently Y6. I became full time Headteacher in September 2023. I love hearing laughter in school and seeing children's sense of achievement as they learn and progress.

My family moved to Ledbury a few years ago and both of my children have attended the school.  At home, I enjoy playing netball, going for walks and seeing live music. 


Mr Kev Adams - Parent Governor, Chair of the Resources Committee  

My name is Kev Adams and I am a parent governor, currently chair of the Resources Committee

I have a wealth of management experience gained across both private and public sector in roles encompassing Finance, Customer Services, IT, Contract Management and Estates. I am currently Director of Estates & Facilities at an NHS Trust “over the border” in Gloucestershire.


I became a governor as I believe passionately about the importance of good, Values-based Education. We are blessed to have a good school here in Ledbury and I am committed to using my broad skill set in whatever way I can to support its continued success and development.


I have two children at LPS as well as an older child currently away at University. As time permits I enjoy reading and long distance walks - and as a result can often be seen in and around the area with my Basset Hound trailing loyally behind!



    Mrs Carol Merryman – Co-opted Governor, Children’s Committee

Although originally from Worcester, I went to Hull University and studied for a degree in Maths and consequently worked as a Primary School teacher in Hull from 1988 to 1995, when I moved to Ledbury.


I joined the staff at Ledbury Primary School in 2005; initially as an LSP, but for the last 6 years I have been employed as the Wellbeing Co-ordinator.  I think this is the best job in school! I work with children in school and support their families when life gets a bit tough and am passionate that personal wellbeing must go hand in hand with academic progress.

Outside school, I enjoy spending time with my family and indulging in my love of the musical theatre.


    Mrs Lyn-Marie Norton  – Local Authority and Safeguarding Governor

I am a Local Authority co-opted governor having previously been a parent governor. My two children now attend John Masefield High School having previously been schooled at LPS.


I served over 30yrs as a police officer in three different forces, culminating in a Safeguarding role overseeing children in care (Children Looked After) and Missing Persons prevention. This role focused on Safeguarding, risk management, multi-agency partnership working and quality improvement.


I retired from policing in October 2023 and in February 2024 began working for Cambian Group which is a large provider of residential children’s care. My role is in Quality Improvement and utilises my skills built and developed within my former policing role.


Whilst retired I undertook a Master’s level qualification in order to become an accredited Independent Reviewer for various Safeguarding reviews.


My remits as governor are Children Looked After, Safeguarding and Health & Safety. I became a governor as I wanted to do more for the Ledbury community and loved the Values ethos and atmosphere of the school and wanted to be more involved with it. I have since been very lucky to discover that my governor role and work roles benefit and enhance each other.


In my spare time I like to keep fit enjoying a variety of exercises. I am learning to play piano, am an avid reader and enjoy social media. 


As an incomer to Ledbury, I have made lots of friends and think it’s a wonderful community. I hope to give back some of this joy, support and friendship in return.



Mr Geoff Rutherford-Co-opted Governor, Chair of the Children's Committee

I have worked in education for over 40 years half that time as a class teacher and the other half as head of The Wyche school in Malvern until I retired in 2020. Having taught in Kent, Somerset and Canada we came to settle in Ledbury 27 years ago and all three of our children attended LPS. I am currently an associate lecturer in School Leadership at the University of Worcester and train aspiring headteachers in the NPQH programme. I am a co-opted community governor and would wish to offer my educational experience to the role. In my spare time I enjoy walking the hills, reading, playing tennis and now sadly due to dodgy knees am reduced to watching, rather than playing football.


Mr Chris Taylorson-Parent Governor

Originally from Teesside, I moved to Ledbury in 2018 after realising my ambition of becoming a fire fighter with Hereford and Worcester Fire and Rescue Service. Prior to this, I worked for a small charity supporting disabled people and carers after finishing a degree in Social Work in 2011. 

I have two children who attend Ledbury Primary School and I decided to become a parent governor so I could do my bit to give back to the school who have taken care of my kids so wonderfully. 

In my free time I like to get outside as much as possible. I enjoy walking, cycling and paddle boarding and if I do have to be inside, I enjoy playing guitar and listening to music.



    Mrs. J. Jupp - Clerk to the Governors       

I became Clerk to the Governing Body in July 2007. I have a background in Administration, having worked for a financial institution, a charity, a children's centre and  currently the local parish council.

I enjoy the role of Clerk, it is a privilege to be part of a thriving school, in my local community, with a headteacher who has a clear vision for the future for her school and a strong governing body with a wide range of skills. I find the world of education both challenging and exciting.









The Instrument of Government, effective 11th March 2021 is below.

For any paper copies requests for any of the documents on the website free of charge, please contact the school office.
