
Ledbury Primary School

Determined to Succeed

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Year 6

Welcome to the Year 6 page

We are 'determined to succeed' in our final year at Ledbury Primary School. It is exciting to be the young leaders of our school and our houses. 



Our topics this year are:

AUTUMN (History): Stone Age - How did early humans make sense of this world? 

SPRING (Geography): Does humankind have dominion over earth?

SUMMER (Science): What clues can we find on Earth to tell us the story of its and our creation?



Each term we will send home a sheet outlining the spellings to cover each week. We will have a spelling quiz every week on a Thursday to monitor your child's progress.



We will be using our digital reading record system Boom Reader. This will allow children, parents and staff to easily log their reading. Children are able to earn rewards and complete additional activities such as book reviews. Children are expected to read at home at least five times a week and this will be monitored on Boom Reader. We will allow children to change their stage books as and when they need to. Children will bring library books, of their choice, home to share as well. 



PE lessons will take place on a Monday afternoon. Please ensure your child comes to school wearing their PE kit for the day. We will be having our sessions outside so please encourage children to wrap up warm whilst the days are colder. 


For more information on what we will be covering in this term's curriculum please click on the the Spring link below.


Many Thanks,


Year 6

Important information


6CC- Mrs Waters teaches on Mondays and Mrs Cole teaches Tuesday to Friday.


6EW- Miss Williams


Please follow our Twitter pages for updated information on our learning throughout the week:

6CC - @6CC_LPS

6EW - @6EW_LPS




If you have any questions then please feel free to catch us after school as we dismiss. Alternatively, you can ring the school office to make an appointment or email us on:

Miss Williams:

Mrs Cole:

Mrs Waters:



Have you seen the Kids’ Zone? Play games and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites.

For any paper copies requests for any of the documents on the website free of charge, please contact the school office.
