
Ledbury Primary School

Determined to Succeed

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Welcome from our Headteacher and Chair of Governors

Virtual Tour of the school

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A message from our Headteacher-  Mrs Rachel Ussher

On behalf of the children, staff and governors, I would like to welcome you to Ledbury Primary School.  I hope you find our website clear and informative. It is designed to give you a flavour of the vibrant life of our school, the work of our pupils and the quality education we strive to deliver.


“Ledbury Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment”


Our school is a large, dynamic primary school with Little Wrens Pre-school and Nursery on site, nestled within the market town of Ledbury and its community.  It sits in the beautiful county of Herefordshire and is close to the historic cathedral cities of Hereford, Worcester and Gloucester.  

Visitors to our school comment positively on our Values-based education, our facilities, the stimulating environment and inclusive, caring, family ethos. They describe our atmosphere as friendly, respectful and nurturing. We care about the individual and pride ourselves in the warmth of a community in which all our pupils feel valued.


With such hardworking, well-behaved and happy children, the continued support of families and the thorough commitment and dedication of the staff, our school strives to achieve our mission:

“Determined to Succeed"

If you would like to know more about our school please come and visit, both the children and staff look forward to welcoming you.


Rachel Ussher


A Welcome From Kev Adams - Chair of Governors


A warm welcome to you, and your children, from the Governing Body of Ledbury Primary School.


As school Governors, our most important role is monitoring the safety, welfare and education of all our children. To do this, we work as a team with the Headteacher and all school staff under our mission statement ‘Determined to Succeed.’ We aim to have all our children experience the very best possible enriched education and outcomes during their time here. As a Values-based school, we wish that all of our children become happy, vibrant and successful, and be able to face challenges with resilience.


The Governing Body is involved with our school at every level. This includes safeguarding, finance, premises management and staff appointments. Governors are elected to ensure that objectives are defined and met, with future planning being appropriate and both visionary and realistic. Through our work, we shape and share the strategic vision and ethos of the school; monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the school; and hold the school to account for the standards achieved and the quality of education.


At Ledbury Primary School, we are justifiably proud of the achievements of our children across the curriculum and of the excellent standards maintained in both their learning and behaviour. We believe that this reflects the high quality of our dedicated teaching and support staff.

Every Governor at Ledbury Primary is committed to working in the best interests of the school and to improving outcomes for all children.


If you would like to contact me, please do so by telephoning the School Office on 01531 632940 or by emailing:


Kev Adams

Chair of Governors


For any paper copies requests for any of the documents on the website free of charge, please contact the school office.
