
Ledbury Primary School

Determined to Succeed

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Forest School

We are thrilled to inform you that throughout Year 3, pupils from 3SW and 3EW will have the opportunity to visit Forest school.


What is forest school and how will it benefit my child?

Here at Ledbury Primary School we have been nurturing our Forest School Site for over 13 years.


Enjoy and achieve

  • Achieve stretching national educational standards
  • Achieve personal and social development and enjoy recreation

Forest School sets learning in a different context for children where they can undertake a range of practical activities and carry out small achievable tasks all with in a safe and controlled environment. Forest School ensures that children taking part naturally learn to assess risk and are encouraged to make sensible and informed decisions about how to deal with unfamiliar and unpredictable situations (such as exploring or climbing trees, using tools to build shelters and dens). Much of the learning for a child comes as a result of the opportunities they have for testing their own abilities in a real-life context.


Be healthy 

  • Physically healthy 
  • Mentally and emotionally healthy 
  • Healthy lifestyles 

At Forest School children are physically active a lot of the time and their stamina improves as they go through their Forest School sessions. Their experience can also help to lead to the development of healthier lifestyles, as we hope children start to ask parents to take them on trips to our local woodlands and green spaces outside of school times. As the children gain confidence and improve their self-esteem this can impact on their emotional and mental well-being.


Spring Term Groups and Dates:

All pupils taking part in Forest school may come to school wearing their Forest school clothes and bring in their school uniform to change into after lunch.


We will go outside in ALL weathers so it is vital that pupils wear appropriate clothing.



  • Long sleeve top and jumper
  • Trousers (not shorts)
  • Waterproof coat and waterproof trousers
  • Wellington boots or a change or footwear from what they will wear in the afternoon.

For any paper copies requests for any of the documents on the website free of charge, please contact the school office.
